What is Brain XP?

Watch the video below to learn about all the Brain XP Basics!


Brain XP started as a teen project, but it has grown to become
the new mental health movement for youth, teens, and caregivers.

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Brain XP Concept

Brain XP is Brain eXPanded! This is the new term for youth mental illness. Brain XP acknowledges that youth who struggle with mental health challenges think in such creative, intuitive, and insightful ways. It is almost as if their brains are simply expanded.

Here at Brain XP, we believe that a good set of coping skills, a positive support network, and constant management of symptoms is a great recipe for maintaining a mentally healthy life. Struggling youth are capable of achieving incredible accomplishments, and it is time that we stop stigmatizing them and start recognizing them, so that they can realize they have the ability to lead happy lives and can positively inspire those around them with their extraordinary minds.


Brain XP Mission

Brain XP is dedicated to erasing the stigma surrounding mental health by changing its language to be far more positive.

We aim to spread the message that mental health is a priority! We believe that youth deserve to be taught about mental health in their school education, so that they have the opportunity to help each other with their mental health challenges and possibly even prevent these challenges from happening all together.

Here at Brain XP, we recognize that not many school systems teach about mental health. We are here to provide mental health education that is based purely on lived experience. Brain XP gives youth, teens, and caregivers the opportunity to access relatable mental health materials at their fingertips. Through our concept, online community, peer storytelling, social media content, and all of our other Brain XP offerings including ways for youth to participate in our project programs, we spread a unique message of hope that is needed so much in our world today.